About two and a half years ago, my first child was born. Treefrog had some heart issues that caused him to stay in a children's hospital for about eighteen days. During this time, Ben accepted a job roughly 3,000 miles from where we were currently living. I willingly went along with this, because, well, I'm insane. We moved here to the Great Northwest and have loved every minute of it. This is a place where we feel like we actually fit in.
This year, Ben accepted another job. This is with the same school (he works in higher education with student leaders), but it is more time, more money, and a different house (the university provides housing for people in his position). So, a mere four months after our second child was born, we are in the midst of packing boxes once again. This is all very reminiscent of two and a half years ago (only this time I have a two year old who is loving! all! the! boxes!). In addition to Ben's new job and the move, I also am taking a new job. It is just a ten hour per week gig, but it will still be a significant chunk of time away from my family.
I'm feeling very overwhelmed these days. I'm crying at the drop of a hat (or a misplaced wallet, or a forgotten load of laundry . . . the list goes on) and I am having an extremely hard time motivating myself to get things done. I hope this is temporary, but temporary has been going on for about a month and a half now, so I'm not so sure anymore.
I'm tired. I want to be all done moving and all done with change. When will that happen?
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