You are asserting your independence each day. I hear “I did dit” only a few times a day (or maybe a few hundred times). If I happen not to let you ‘get it’ you will break down as if it was the most important thing in the world for you to do.
You have become an amazing big brother. Fish is constantly enthralled with you and looks up to you already. You love to give him kisses and hugs and have started asking if you could pick him up.
You are so smart. You have all of Go Dog Go memorized and you read it to Papa after pulling it from his hands and declaring, yet again, “I did dit.” You know your ABC’s and you can count to 20.
You are athletic. You run so fast. One of your favorite activities is going for a run or walk with Papa or I and then stopping by the track so you can run a couple of laps. You throw the ball, or anything round for that matter, with so much gusto that I am often taken aback with your power.
Celebrations are so much fun for you. Just tonight you asked if we could have a birthday cake. I really don’t think it would have mattered who we celebrated, just that we celebrated. We had cheesecake, sang “Happy Birthday” and you blew out candles (courtesy of Yia-yia).
Tonight you went to bed in your Thomas the Tank pajamas and told me that he says “Choo, choo!” You kissed both Papa and I and said that you “lub” us and that you want to go to church tomorrow. You look so peaceful when you are sleeping, angelic.
I love you, Treefrog. I love that you are ours.
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